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Secretay General meets DUSFOR


On a suprising visit the United Skate Nations Secretary General, Khofi Amman, congratulated the DUSFOR peacekeeping mission to their outstanding work.

Our exclusive source was able to take photographs of the normally strictly secret meeting between DUSFOR and Amman.

The Secretary General commented very positive on the deployment to Düsseldorf: "The efficiency of the DUSFOR mandate has led the Rhineland to a durable peace in a conflict that has been around since the year 1288" in allusion to the battle of Worringen."We hope that besides the native cologne minority the civil admninistration continues to work with us". Khofi Amman sees a success in the integration of the local management into the DUSFOR peace skater contingent.
The Secretary General emphasized the outstanding example of the DUSFOR mandate for the whole inline skating world population. He secluded with "Viva la DUSFOR! The United Sk8 nations powerful heart."

Immediately after the meeting Amman left for the Netherlands to join prepartion talks for DUSFOR's next mission in Venlo.