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100km Inline Tour around Düsseldorf, Aug. 22. 2004

von Poller

Please make a note: On Sunday Aug, 22. 2004 the great "Rund um Düsseldorf" (around Duesseldorf) inline skate tour will take off for the first time.

As the name implies, this tour will take us completly around the city of Duesseldorf. The over all length will be 100km.

We will mostly be skating on country lanes with very good tarmac surface. The tour starts in the south of Duesseldorf where it also ends after the 100km. We will skate counterclockwise . This means from the south we go on the right side of the Rhine river to the north. The first quarter will be difficult, due to some ascending slopes and downhill stretches. During the tour there will sufficient pauses, where drinks etc. can be purchased (petrol stations, ...)At diffrent waypoints it is possible to leave (or join) the tour and take an S-train to the city center. The stretch goes roughly along the outer edges of this map:

We will skate via the different neighboring cities of Düsseldorf, i.e. Hilden, Erkrath, Ratingen, Meerbusch, Kaarst and Neuss.

Further information in our forums.

Important: This not an official event. We skate absolute private respecting the StVo (StVo = German laws about traffic).

To get a rough estimation how many skaters would like to participate, it would be nice if you could drop a note in our forum. (These forum entries will deleted later).
If you would like to get updates and latest information, just write an emty mail to poller[at]

Stations to join / leave the tour (.pdf)
Campgrounds around Düsseldorf (.pdf)
Flyer in German language (.doc)
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